Thursday, January 15, 2015

Post 6 : Have you ever...?

What have you done in your life? From these questions, choose 4 things you have done and write a 40-word comment for each of them. Below, you can see my example

Don't forget to leave me a comment and 2 more comments on your classmates posts.

·         Have you ever been on TV?
·         Have you ever broken a bone?
·         Have you ever broken up with someone?
·         Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (For example, hair style, hair color or weight)
·         Have you ever gone mountain climbing?
·         Have you ever gone skiing?
·         Have you ever ridden a horse?
·         Have you ever slept in a tent?
·         Have you ever swum in the ocean?
·         Have you ever talked to a famous person?
·         Who was the person?
·         How long did you talk?
·         What did you talk about?
·         Have you ever tried riding a skateboard?
·         Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
·         Have you ever played an instrument in public?
·         Have you ever sung in public?
·         Have you ever been mugged?
·         Have you ever fired a gun?
·         Have you ever been inside a police car?

1. Have you ever been on TV?

Yes I have. I was on TV when I was a child. I went to a program called "Los Bochincheros as part of the public with all my classmates from school. I remember that I participated in a game and I won a prize, but I don't remember what..

2. Have you ever gone skiing?

Yes, I have. I had the chance of going skiing when I was about 11 and 12 years old. At that time, I was studying at Colegio Suizo and every winter we went for a week to Lagunillas to learn how to ski and spend some time in the mountains. Those were very good times.

3. Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes I have. As you know, I play the drums. I have played drums for about 10 years and I have played with different bands. With these bands I have played several times in public. It's a great experience although you get really nervous sometimes.

4. Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? Yes, I have. When I was in high school I was a big heavy metal fan. I used to spend hours listening to bands like Metallica, Slayer, Maiden, etc. So when high school finished I left my hair really long, to look similar to my heroes of the moment. I kept my hair long for about 2 years.


  1. Ernesto i congratulate you on your ability to play drums. the band in which you play drums, has a name?

  2. Change the look after high school it´s typical. All the students are tired of ridiculous school rules.

  3. I' ve never try to skiing, I really like to do one day!

  4. I love the drums, I tried to play once... but I didn't was a constant person. I should trying again.

  5. Also I had dramatically change with my hair. I shaved totally hair of my head

  6. wow ten years played drums! we make a band! jajaj

  7. congratulations for your drummer abilities! that's really great, continuous with this

  8. You do very diferent things!.... thats good!

  9. In my teenage years I wanted to have a band, but i dont have talen whith the instrument :( haha

  10. It's a great experience to play in public, I know that because my father also had a band for a long time, he also played the drums!

  11. gongratulations for your 10 years played drums, you are a persevering person.

  12. extreme changes in appearance are good, cool a little the daily!

  13. wow... you're a great drummer, I guess...

    I am writing late, I couldn't go to classes today.. u.u

  14. I am very curious to see pictures in his time with long hair!!

  15. I played an instrument in public and has been terrible!

  16. You know the snow, you're lucky
