Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Final Post!!!!!!!!

About The English summer course experience:

1. What kind of activities and things have you done and learnt in classes? (60 words)

2. What aspects of the English language do you still have to improve? How do you plan to do it?
(60 words)

About your well deserved summer holidays:

1. What are you going to do in February? Tell me about your plans for your summer vacations.
(60 words)

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Post 7 >> Script for Video 3

CHOOSE ONLY ONE OF THESE TOPICS: (don't forget to make 2 comments on your classmates posts)


What's its name and when you made it.
What materials you used 
How you made it and how long you took
Why you like it 
What it represents


Give some details about him/her (name, nationality, age, etc...)
Describe his/her work and style
Explain why you like him/her
Mention 2 pieces (or albums) by him/her and describe them.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Post 6 : Have you ever...?

What have you done in your life? From these questions, choose 4 things you have done and write a 40-word comment for each of them. Below, you can see my example

Don't forget to leave me a comment and 2 more comments on your classmates posts.

·         Have you ever been on TV?
·         Have you ever broken a bone?
·         Have you ever broken up with someone?
·         Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? (For example, hair style, hair color or weight)
·         Have you ever gone mountain climbing?
·         Have you ever gone skiing?
·         Have you ever ridden a horse?
·         Have you ever slept in a tent?
·         Have you ever swum in the ocean?
·         Have you ever talked to a famous person?
·         Who was the person?
·         How long did you talk?
·         What did you talk about?
·         Have you ever tried riding a skateboard?
·         Have you ever tried any extreme sports?
·         Have you ever played an instrument in public?
·         Have you ever sung in public?
·         Have you ever been mugged?
·         Have you ever fired a gun?
·         Have you ever been inside a police car?

1. Have you ever been on TV?

Yes I have. I was on TV when I was a child. I went to a program called "Los Bochincheros as part of the public with all my classmates from school. I remember that I participated in a game and I won a prize, but I don't remember what..

2. Have you ever gone skiing?

Yes, I have. I had the chance of going skiing when I was about 11 and 12 years old. At that time, I was studying at Colegio Suizo and every winter we went for a week to Lagunillas to learn how to ski and spend some time in the mountains. Those were very good times.

3. Have you ever played an instrument in public?

Yes I have. As you know, I play the drums. I have played drums for about 10 years and I have played with different bands. With these bands I have played several times in public. It's a great experience although you get really nervous sometimes.

4. Have you ever changed your appearance a lot in a short time? Yes, I have. When I was in high school I was a big heavy metal fan. I used to spend hours listening to bands like Metallica, Slayer, Maiden, etc. So when high school finished I left my hair really long, to look similar to my heroes of the moment. I kept my hair long for about 2 years.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Post 5 > 2 Film Directors

Write about 2 film makers and one of their movies.
wordcount: about 160
Make a comment to me + 2 comments to your classmates

Alex de La  Iglesia is a Spanish director. He was born in 1965. He has filmed a lot of movies and has received several awards in his career.  He usually makes black comedies with twisted characters and dark lives. One of his movies is called El Dia de la Bestia. I dont remember exactly when it was released, around 1994 I think, but this is my favorite. It's about a priest who is obssessed with the end of the world and the arrival of the demon in earth. His mission is to find this demon and kill him. To do it, he finds the help of a death metal fan and and a mystic charlatan. This film is a lot of fun but it also makes you think about a lot of things that are not so trivial. If you haven't seen it, you are missing something good.

Stanley Kubrick was and American director who was born in 1928 and died in 1999. He is considered by many people as one of the most important directors of the 20th century. He made 13 films in his career. Dr Strangelove is a black comedy filmed in 1964. The actor Peter Sellers performed several different roles in this movie, showing fantastic acting skills. The story is a political/military satire set in times of the cold war between USA and the USSR. Again, I like it because it deals with an extremely delicate topic with smart criticism, black humor and wit. If you haven't seen it, do it now and you will not regret it.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Post 4 > What's your opinion?

Choose 5 of these questions and give your opinions. Write about 30 words per each answer.
Make comments on 3 of your partners posts.

What is your opinion about abstract art?
What is your opinion about women in the military?
What is your opinion about the Chilean politicians?
What is your opinion about Hollywood movies?
What is your opinion about jazz music?
What is your opinion about soap operas on Chilean TV?
What is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
What is your opinion about  climate change?
What is your opinion about cloning?
What is your opinion about recycling?
What is your opinion about “barras bravas”?
What is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Post 3 > 2014

1. What's your general evaluation?

It was a difficult year for me and my family. My brother Pablo had serious health problems. He spent more than 2 months in hospital at 2 different times last year. It was very hard for all of us but in the end he could recover slowly and now we are even more together and strong as family.

2. What about work or studies?

At work, everything was quiet. I had the support of my partners when I needed time for me and my family, so that was good too. I taught English at Veterinary Sciences in U de Chile. This was my 4th year there. I also continued helping in the coordination of the English Program of the university.

3. What was the best of 2014?

Two things. First, to know that my wife was pregnant in September. I'm really glad because I've never had a child, so you can imagine that I'm really anxious  and happy with all the process of pregnancy. And two, the recovery of Pablo who is already at his home enjoying the love of his wife and 2 daughters. And 3! To see la U again as champion at the stadium. I went with one of my nieces and had the chance of experiencing the victory right there in my face :). It was fantastic.

4. What was the worst? (something to improve or forget)

Apart from all the worries and stress of having a sick family member, I guess there was nothing else really bad about 2014. It was a little stressful and bitter-sweet sometimes but I think that is the essence of life. Don't you agree?

What about your year? Respond to the same 4 questions
Wordcount > about 160
Don't forget to leave me a comment + 2 comments to classmates

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A country I would like to visit

 Which country would you like to go to? Why?
- What do you know about it?
- What would you like to do there?
- Would you like to study/work/live there? Explain.
- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts
- Word Count: 160 words


Hi everybody! Today I will write about a country I want to visit.
I've always wanted to travel to Japan. I think it's because I like their people,
food and customs. I really admire the way in which they have advanced in spite of all the circumstances. I also admire all the advances in science and technology that they have made.

If I go there some day, the first thing I will do is to eat a lot of their delicious food; I think it is fantastic! Second, I will travel around the country to meet people and know places. I would like to know a lot about their culture and lifestyle too.

If I have the opportunity, I'd like to work there for a year, maybe teaching English or Spanish at a school or college. This would give me the chance to get to know more of their culture.

Well, I hope that some day I can go to Japan and make my dream true.